Google map (type your postcode at top of page for directions)
The nearest railway station, Truro, is about 19 miles from the campsite (rail enqs: 08457 484950)
National Express coaches serve Truro (enqs: 08705 808080)
Buses 50 from Truro to St Mawes stop en route at Gerrans and Portscatho.
Bus timetable
Directions to Treloan
M5 to: Exeter A30 (Oakhampton)
Stay on the A30 (approx. 70 miles).
Leave the A30 at Fraddon Service area (Penhale). Follow signs for Ladock and follow the B3275 (through Ladock) until you reach the A390.
On reaching the A390 turn left heading for St Austell for approx. 1 mile and then turn right onto the A3078 - sign posted Tregony and St Mawes. Stay on this road, by-pass Tregony, towards St Mawes, for approx. 7 miles, through Ruanhighlanes until you reach Trewithian.
There is a large brown sign here marked Tents and Caravans TRELOAN COASTAL FARM. Turn left at this point towards Gerrans and Portscatho. (Gerrans Church, with its SPIRE, will be clearly visible.)
DO NOT LEAVE THIS ROAD UNTIL YOU REACH GERRANS CHURCH SQUARE. STOP BESIDE THE CHURCH. Opposite the church is The Standard Inn, Treloan Lane is marked on the wall and runs directly to Treloan campsite.
The campsite is 300 yards down Treloan Lane on the left.